Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Seeing some improvement

Headed out with Hobo's last night. 7km along the Strand in Williamstown from the Athletics track to the Timeball and back. This is the second time I have completed this run, and while it is still hard work and a decent run, it was a little easier this time. I even managed to complete it with a steady faster pace of 6.18mins p/km and didn't stop. Recovery was very quick and I held a conversation for the most part - which was great as it made the time go quicker and less time to think about the excruiation you are putting your body through. I'm feeling pretty good today, with the exception of sore knees, but I think a bit of rest will sort that out.

I'm pleased I can now do 7kms straight. Granted it's a flat run, at night (no sun wearing you down) and in a group. But 7kms is 7kms. I've just realised it's only just over 6 weeks until I've signed up for a 12km run for Spring Into Shape!! Oh boy, I still have a lot of work to do between now and then. Hopefull my strength and energy levels continue to improve so I can start fitting in 3 training sessions a week to get the results I want!

Running Lemming - I wish you lived closer, Hobo's is exactly the kind of group to get us where we need to be!!!!


  1. Great to hear you are keeping pace with the old Hobos. Sounds like you are improving heaps. Go you! Making me feel like a giant fat blob...

  2. 7 kms is fantastic.

    I feel like a blob as well Monica. I get puffed going up the stairs!
