Saturday, July 03, 2010

First Post

Ok, so I've never really seen the point of blogs, never read them, never post on them and never had one. Thinking about it though, I don't think I've ever really had enough interest in a topic to create and maintain a forum and fill it with enough content to be of interest to anyone (myself included). Until now.

6 months ago, I could barely run for more than a minute without getting so out of breath I felt like my lungs may just self combust. I had always seen running as quite pointless and what on Earth crazy person would want to subject themself to something so ridiculous as running? I mean really, between the sweat, the puffing, the panting and just the total unco-ness of the whole concept - it really wasn't something I was willing to give any time to whatsoever. Until now.

So; 2 things. I now have a blog. I now run 5km without stopping.

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