Friday, October 15, 2010

The Melbourne Marathon Aftermath

YES! I did it, and ticked off one of my dreams/goals in the process. 10kms non stop - and what a great race it was. Apart from being a little late starting because I couldn't find a place to park, the race couldn't have gone any better.

The conditions were perfect, cool with no wind and no sun. The track was perfect because I was so late starting there were barely any people to dodge - except for the ones I eventually caught up with who were walking. My body felt great - no aches or pains, no breathing troubles, nothing. And to top it all off I had my lovely supporters come down and cheer me on around the 8km mark - just what I needed to boost my spirits for the remainder of the race. And then again, as I did the last lap and crossing over the finish line in the MCG.

Thanks again girls - you have no idea what a difference it made having you all there. And Running Lemming, it wasn't the same not having you running alongside - hopefully we can fit in a couple more training runs before you head off on your adventure.

It's taken me a good 4 days to recover from the race - living on coffee and red bull. Feeling much more revitalised to get back out there once again - although might be a little difficult in this downpour we are currently experiencing.

Spring Into Shape Race 2 next weekend - thinking I may downgrade to the 8.5km again, so I can compare my improvement from last time and also that 10kms really took it out of me, not sure I am quite ready to tack the 12.5km just yet.

The black line was the very pretty and scenic Melbourne Marathon 10km course.


  1. Congratulations! You should be very proud of your achievements so far. Wishing you all the best for your training and the upcoming races.

  2. Well done, Running Cat!! I'm so proud of you for sticking to it when I managed to collapse in a heap... you have really shown that you are committed to running and you deserve the high of finishing a race after all of that hard work for months :o)
