Sunday, September 12, 2010

Race 1 - Spring Into Shape

After a late night at a concert, only a few hours sleep and a bruised ankle - I managed to romp it home in the 8.5km in the first of three in the series. I think I got just about on 55mins, which is great. Kept my pace of 6.30mins p/km up the whole time which really is a great improvement.

I'm so wrecked now I can barely type - they just don't make keyboards for tired paws.

Off for a cat nap. Stay tuned for the official time a little later on.


Friday, September 10, 2010

Spring Into Shape

Spring is finally here! After a long, freezing cold and wet winter the days are getting longer and the sun is making an appearance.

So after a bout of sickness, lack of motivation and a whole lot of rain - it's time to get my cat butt into full gear. The Spring Into Shape series commences this coming Sunday 12th September.

I would have liked to be a little more advanced in my training by this point but no point dwelling on that now. I've reduced my original distance of 12km down to the 8.5km race. Myself and Running Lemming have never actually completed that distance to date, however the 7km training runs at Hobo's have been a great help towards achieving this goal.

So it's all systems go for Sunday. I've done 2 x 7km runs this week and feeling good to go. I just need to pace myself and try not to drop off too much. And of course I will be having my pre race banana, coffee and in addition my new found friend Berocca.

Wish me luck!!